Resistant to viruses squashes

Different in color, but similar in resistances!Did you test before our light green, medium green and dark green squashes? All of them have high total yield, high quality fruits and resistance to viruses. ES 200 F1 is resistant to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus and Watermelon Mosaic Virus. ES 621 F1 and ES 671 F1 are resistant to Zucchini Yellow […]

Assortment of cucumbers

Ergon Seed is developing strong varieties of such types of cucumbers: While developing all the cucumber varieties, we pay special attention to a strong plant with high resistance to viruses, such as CYSDV resistance of mini cucumbers, the difference of growing periods and areas of our clients, and of course attractive fruits, as for example dark green, […]

Indeterminate tomatoes red: focused on big sized fruits and strong plants

You wanted it – we made it! We are pleased to represent you really promising and strong new varieties of indeterminate red tomatoes, that showed excellent testing results and became now commercial: As known, Ergon Seed is focused on strong plants with resistances to different diseases and viruses in order to adapt to different conditions […]

It’s time for pink tomatoes of big size!

We are happy to introduce new varieties of pink indeterminate tomatoes, that were highly rated by our agents from Eastern Europe and Central Asia especially. While developing such varieties, as ES 5494 F1, ES 5497 F1, ES 5498 F1 and ES 45004 F1 we focused on We believe that these characteristics will meet your demand! ES 5494 F1: weight […]

New squash variety

We are happy to introduce our new medium green squash variety ES 671 F1.  Squash ES 671 F1 is a very strong new variety, which produces high quality fruits with a nice colour. Trials of the variety in different areas have shown good results and we are moving on to the next phase. You can […]

Pink tomato ES 5494 F1 in Albania

Last month our technician visited Albania to see our new commercial pink tomatoes in the fields. In particular pink tomato ES 5494 F1 was performing very well: Early and with high production of shiny, nicely pink coloured and regularly ribbed fruits. The taste and shape are similar to the old classic pink tomatoes, however now with full resistance […]

Brand new pickling varieties

Ergon is proud to announce two brand new pickling varieties: ES 2228 F1 and ES 2241 F1. Both varieties are very convenient to be grown in East-Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The results under various growing conditions are very promising in plastic tunnels as well as in greenhouses. ES 2228 F1 and ES 2241 F1 […]

New sweet pepper varieties!

This month we would like to show our sweet and blocky outdoor peppers ES 6626 F1 and ES 6648 F1. ES 6626 F1 matures medium and is a productive variety with many four lobs fruits. The fruit colour is yellow and the average fruit weight is 220-280 grams. ES 6648 F1 matures medium/late and is […]

New watermelon variety!

During our visit to the watermelon fields in June we saw many watermelon varieties and we are very excited about our new crimson sweet watermelon variety ES 75127 F1! This medium early variety has a very nice uniform oval/elongated shape and is very productive. The average fruit weight is 12-16 kg. The dark green and […]