New Roma-type determinate tomatoes with extended field holding and high Brix

New Roma-type determinate tomatoes with extended field holding and high Brix

We have rather a wide assortment of determinate tomatoes and we continue developing and improving this crop. One of the latest varieties, that showed their potential and strong characteristics to help farmers to achieve their goals are tomatoes ES 96045 F1 and ES 96042 F1.

ES 96045 F1 – excellent covered plants and high yield potential of firm fruits with high Brix.

  • Medium early maturity (but it’s earlier if compared with ES 96042 F1);
  • Firm and uniform, Roma-type red fruits of 85-95 g;
  • Strong, compact and well-covered plant;
  • Suitable for machine harvesting;
  • Resistance: Verticillium, Fusarium (2, 3), Nematodes, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, Pseudomonas, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus.

ES 96042 F1 – well-covered plants and big firm fruits with high Brix.

  • Medium early maturity;
  • Firm and uniform, Roma-type red fruits of 110-140 g;
  • Strong, well-covered plant;
  • Resistance: Verticillium, Fusarium (3), Nematodes, Pseudomonas, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus.

If you like to test these varieties or are interested in other products, please contact our staff via or fill in the contact form on the website.

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