TOP-4 indet. tomatoes with the best red color

TOP-4 indet. tomatoes with the best red color

Today we publish the TOP-4 list of the most intensive red tomatoes in our assortment.

1. ES 5487 F1

Additionally to the deep red color, the hybrid ES 5487 F1 has a compact and rather open plant, a list of resistances, and fruits of 220-260 g. The general impression is great!

2. ES 40012 F1

This hybrid is not only well-colored but also the most tasty in our assortment.

3. ES 40055 F1

The new variety in the season 2023-2024 has an apple-green to red color of fruits and high yield potential.

4. ES 5455 F1
Cluster indeterminate tomato ES 5455 F1 closes this TOP-4 list. This early variety has attractive, middle-size, and firm deep red fruits.

If you like to test these varieties or are interested in other products, please contact our staff via [email protected] or fill in the contact form on the website.

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