New hot pepper varieties

ES 70023 F1

New hot pepper varieties

Ergon Seed is already known for its top-tier hot pepper varieties, and we’re thrilled to introduce two new fiery additions to our lineup!

Our first two popular varieties – light green ES 7520 F1 and green ES 7475 F1 – have set the bar high, selected by farmers for their yield, heavy attractive fruits, and resilience. But we’re not stopping there.

Introducing the Newcomers: Meet the latest varieties of the Ergon Seed assortment – ES 70022 F1 and ES 70023 F1!

  • ES 70022 F1 – light green fruits of big size, very productive hot Charleston pepper;
  • ES 70023 F1 – dark green uniform fruits, high and concentrated production, Anaheim type.

These two new varieties are made for superior performance, exceptional flavor, and robust growth – delivering outstanding results to farmers!

If you like to test this variety or are interested in other products, please contact our staff via or fill in the contact form on the website.


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