ES 5005-631 F1


ES 5005-631 F1

Tomatoes / Indeterminate / Roma type

high production, large clusters with uniform and firm fruits

Resistance: Tm V F2 N Sw Ty
Weight: 130-160 grams
Colour: Red
Firmness: Very firm
Shape: Roma / heart shape
Maturity: Medium early
Plant habit: Very strong

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Tm: Tomato Mosaic Virus
V: Verticillium Wilt
F: Fusarium Wilt
N: Nematodes
Sw: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Fc: Fusarium Crown Rot
Cf: Cladosporium Fulvum
Ss: Stemphylium solani (Gray leaf spot)
Ty: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
Bs: Bacterial Spot